Ignorant Thoughts

Figuring out how much of life I want and at what cost

Finding the attractiveness of an ordinary life

Ignorant View
Thought Thinkers
Published in
3 min readMay 24, 2023


There are days when I feel the urge to work relentlessly to reach my goals, with a tunnel vision so narrow I often forget about my necessities, responsibilities, and relationships.

Like a frenzied grind mentality red pill solopreneur, my goal is to make the most out of this life. And so I work with a distorted mindset that I am doing what is necessary, even if it is at the expense of others, I have come to terms with the debt I am accruing. A debt of lost relationships, experiences, and mental health.

I am motivated to achieve my goals and work consistently because I want to feel productive and make the most of my limited time. I strongly believe in reaching my full potential, whatever that may be, and I know that hard work is the key to doing so.

I have seen others achieve success by making sacrifices, but I’m not sure if this reasoning is completely justified.

Turning to an ordinary life

Until a few weeks ago, I was content with this mindset. However, while sitting in a park and contemplating the future, I began to question the extent to which I am willing to make sacrifices without any expectation of repayment. Am I really okay with this?

Bench in the park under lamp
Photo by Abdullah Tariq from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/street-lamp-next-to-bench-in-park-15628272/

I am in a constant battle with how much I want from this life, struggling with a decision on whether the pursuit of my desired quality of life is worth potentially damaging my relationships. I am questioning if sacrificing present happiness for future success is worth it. I now picture a life of stability with a fulfilling career and family.

I have come to appreciate a sense of normalcy because it helps me find peace. I don’t like experiencing extreme highs and lows because the lows can be especially difficult to handle.

While being ordinary may not seem attractive, there are many positive aspects to it. A normal life grounds us, it can provide stability and a sense of calm. Knowing that tomorrow will be similar to today can be reassuring. That is of course assuming today isn’t all that bad.

Leading an ordinary life can help us appreciate the little things that often go unnoticed, such as spending time with loved ones, enjoying solitary moments, and immersing ourselves in the beauty of nature.

Striking the balance

Person sitting on the sofa in the living room on a laptop
Photo by LinkedIn Sales Navigator from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/man-using-gray-laptop-while-sitting-on-beige-sofa-1251862/

It’s a great privilege to have a life that’s consistently fine — not too good, not too bad. When things are going smoothly, we may forget how pleasant it is when they’re not. Choosing an ordinary life shouldn’t be viewed as settling for less. It’s important to recognize the benefits of it.

When I plan my life, I try to remember this. I am keen to find the middle ground between a life of normalcy and extravagance. I don’t think I need a million of anything, but I also see the dangers of an overly comfortable life.

I am working on defining exactly what success in my life looks like, trying to understand how far I will go before I feel my sacrifices are amounting to a debt I will never be able to repay.

I think this is what these ignorant thoughts are for, to frequently check on where I am going in life and ensure I am not straying too far from the path I believe is best for me.

I hope reading this post sparks some thought to the path you are pursuing. I hope you are able to reflect on the quality of life you want and what it means to get there. Thank you for reading.



Ignorant View
Thought Thinkers

I know nothing. So you may want to ignore this rant. @IgnorantView