Ignorant Thoughts

Life Moves Pretty Fast You May Miss It

Learning to Look out of My Snow Globe

Ignorant View
Thought Thinkers
Published in
3 min readJul 24, 2023


As I grow older, I am learning the value of prioritizing. In the past, I struggled with identifying what truly matters and would often be hard on myself when I made mistakes in my choices.

When I was younger, I had difficulty recognizing the important things that were right in front of me. It was hard for me to distinguish between what truly mattered and what was just a temporary distraction.

As a young individual, it’s common to be short sighted and despite growing up with the internet and having access to the world at my fingertips, my outlook on life and surroundings was very limited.

It was only after moving to different locations across the country was when I began to realise things beyond my limited perspective.

Marking the Edge of a Snow Globe

For most of my life, I felt like I was living in a snow globe. It consisted of my school and neighbourhood. As time passed, I came to realize how small everything was.

Group of young people on their bike on the street
Photo by Ahshea1 Media from Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/photo/people-riding-bicycles-2361103/

Whenever my snow globe felt unstable, I would panic and worry that the glass was going to shatter, causing the world inside to crumble. My anxiety would surge, and negative thoughts would overwhelm me. I would feel emotionally overwhelmed and long for the simulation to come to an end.

Experiences like these have made me anxious about my surroundings because I feel powerless in them. This lack of control has hindered my ability to try new things, and I find comfort in staying within my snow globe.

Ferris Bueller’s Day Off

In the 1986 film “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off”, the lead actor, Matthew Broderick, delivers the memorable line “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it”. This movie is famous for its depiction of excitement and offers a way for viewers to imagine a life without limits and full of spontaneity.

From the movie Ferris Bueller’s Day Off

To me, the movie that was released 13 years before I was born showed the excitement of life beyond enclosed spaces. It motivated me to seize fleeting moments and relish them completely.I am not known for stepping out of my comfort zone. A creation of habits and predictable routines is what I naturally lean towards.

Being an overthinker, I often find myself preoccupied with the fact that my time on Earth is limited. My biological clock serves as a constant reminder that every passing moment brings me one step closer to the inevitable.

Taking a Trip to the Peak District

Looking outside a cave towards mountains
Thor’s Cave in the Peak District, UK. Taken Yours Truly.

I went on a hiking trip to the peak district 3 weeks ago and for me, it really placed things into perspective. It helped me align what was important. Taking in viewpoints, standing on the edge of a mountain, brought about a wave of life over me.

As I walked on uncertain paths, I learned to embrace my nerves and use them as motivation to achieve new heights. Each step bolstered my confidence and led me to places I never imagined I could go.

Leaving the confines of my snow globe was a daunting experience, but it also gave me a newfound appreciation for the world outside. The taste of beautiful nature filled me with excitement and a desire to explore more.

My goal for the next few years is to seek out new experiences. I will live by the mantra of trying new things and exploring unique spaces. This promise to myself is a testament to living a fast-paced life with purpose.



Ignorant View
Thought Thinkers

I know nothing. So you may want to ignore this rant. @IgnorantView